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Black Bears What Do They Eat?

Black Bears What Do They Eat?

Black bears belong among the largest mammals, weighing between 200 and 600 pounds. They can live up to 20 years with a proper diet. Despite being dubbed “black bears,” they can have blue-black, brown, cinnamon, and blue-gray hues. Unlike their aggressive cousins, the grizzly bears, black bears are harmless but won’t give a second thought when provoked. The American bear’s...

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Where Do Bears Originate From?

Where Do Bears Originate From?

Bears are some of the most influential animals in the world. They can be found everywhere from Canada to Russia and even live outside North America in places like Mexico and Costa Rica. Bears are omnivores, meaning they eat both plants and animals. Still, their diet is primarily made up of plant life when it’s available because they have a slower metabolism than other animals. But where did...

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Polar Bear Vs. Grizzly Bear

Polar Bear Vs. Grizzly Bear

The Polar bear – also known as Ursus maritimus – is the largest terrestrial carnivore, whereas the Grizzly bear – the North American brown bear – is the second largest terrestrial flesh-eating mammal. These animals are closely related and have quite the same strength and size. They are powerful enough to take down enormous prey. But which of these two bears would win in a fight? How are...

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What Is the Oldest Grizzly Bear in Yellowstone Ever Recorded?

What Is the Oldest Grizzly Bear in Yellowstone Ever Recorded?

In the southwest of Wyoming, scientists found one of the oldest grizzly bears ever – aged 34 years old. They easily spotted him through a distinct mark on his lip that was made by biologists back in 1989. Due to the fact that most of the animals in the Yellowstone region are completely unmarked by scientists, there is no evidence that there are other older grizzly bears than this one. In this...

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How Effective Is Bear Spray?

How Effective Is Bear Spray?

Bear spray is a deterrent used during wildlife viewing in the event a hiker encounters a charging bear. Over the years, there has been debate over whether it is the best approach to dealing with a bear or if gunfire is more effective. In this post, we look at the efficacy of bear spray in protecting you from an attack on your next visit to bear country. How Does Bear Spray Affect Bears? Bear...

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Remarkable Moment Captured: Brown Bear Walks Past Tourists

Remarkable Moment Captured: Brown Bear Walks Past Tourists

A remarkable video showcasing wildlife’s strength and power was captured by a tourist visiting Alaska some days ago. The bunch got to experience what most would consider a nightmare after coming in close contact with a brown bear that happened to be roaming in the area.  The viral video shocked millions globally, with some people having encountered bears stating that even they had never been...

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